It has got to be somewhat embarrassing when the federal minister for your department comes out into the media and makes all sorts of claims and assumptions that make you look stupid as ‘his’ department.
This is what you think would have been the case. However it may be that the one who should be embarrassed is not the department, but the minister himself – that is minister O’Connor of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
In an Australian Financial Review article on the 24th May 2013 titled “Immigration denies giving ‘rorts’ numbers” you see a nice PC comment by the secretary of the DIAC stating that regarding the minister’s claims of at least ‘10,000 rorts’ in the 457 system; that DIAC ‘never provided evidence of that figure’ to the minister, and then the great PC comment: that they ‘don’t know what advice he relied on for the claim’.
Well, you don’t need to look much further in the article to see the types of influence our minister for immigration and citizenship is under… A union official claiming that ALL 100,000 457 visa holders’ human rights are actually being violated as well.
I am unsure if history can support ‘closed-door’ immigration policy ever being a success to diversifying and up-skilling an economy. I believe the minister is aware of this, however the September election 2013 may be carrying more weight here than common sense and historical data.It has got to be somewhat embarrassing when the federal minister for your department comes out into the media and makes all sorts of claims and assumptions that make you look stupid as ‘his’ department.
This is what you think would have been the case. However it may be that the one who should be embarrassed is not the department, but the minister himself – that is minister O’Connor of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
In an Australian Financial Review article on the 24th May 2013 titled , you see a nice PC comment by the secretary of the DIAC stating that regarding the ministry’s claims of at least ‘10,000 rorts’ in the 457 system; that DIAC ‘never provided evidence of that figure’ to the minister, and then the great PC comment: that they ‘don’t know what advice he relied on for the claim’.
Well, you don’t need to look much further in the article to see the types of influence our minister for immigration and citizenship is under… A union official claiming that ALL 100,000 457 visa holders’ human rights are actually being violated as well.
I am unsure if history can support ‘closed-door’ immigration policy ever being a success to diversifying and up-skilling an economy. I believe the minister is aware of this, however the September election 2013 may be carrying more weight here than common sense and historical data.It has got to be somewhat embarrassing when the federal minister for your department comes out into the media and makes all sorts of claims and assumptions that make you look stupid as ‘his’ department.
This is what you think would have been the case. However it may be that the one who should be embarrassed is not the department, but the minister himself – that is minister O’Connor of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
In an Australian Financial Review article on the 24th May 2013 titled , you see a nice PC comment by the secretary of the DIAC stating that regarding the ministry’s claims of at least ‘10,000 rorts’ in the 457 system; that DIAC ‘never provided evidence of that figure’ to the minister, and then the great PC comment: that they ‘don’t know what advice he relied on for the claim’.
Well, you don’t need to look much further in the article to see the types of influence our minister for immigration and citizenship is under… A union official claiming that ALL 100,000 457 visa holders’ human rights are actually being violated as well.
I am unsure if history can support ‘closed-door’ immigration policy ever being a success to diversifying and up-skilling an economy. I believe the minister is aware of this, however the September election 2013 may be carrying more weight here than common sense and historical data.