Global Enterprises Group has been informed that the department of immigration has notified states and territories that from the 24th April 2015 they will no longer allow states to nominate Significant Investor Visa applicants under the current complying investment framework. This creates a window of approximately 3 weeks to be successfully approved from a nominating state or territory. After a nomination has been approved by a state or territory, the applicant will have 60 days to lodge a valid application.
跨国企业集团已收到通知:澳大利亚移民部已告知各州和领地,其将自 2015 年 4 月 24 日起,不再允许各州在现行获许投资框架下提名“重要投资者签证”申请人。这创造了从提名州或领地获取许可的短时时机,且该时机将持续三周。提名成功拿到了后,将会有60天时间可以递交一个合格的签证申请。
Nominations will be allowed to commence from the 1st July 2015, under the new complying investment framework.
新的获许投资框架出台后,提名将自 2015 年 7月 1 日重新启动。
James Clarke, Managing Director of Global Enterprises Group (also Executive Committee Member of the Australia China Business Council WA) has been working together with a wide range of stakeholders in providing feedback to Austrade on this issue.
跨国企业集团常务董事(兼澳大利亚中国工商业委员会西澳大利亚州分会执委会委员)James Clarke 目前已与广大的利益相关方展开合作,向澳大利亚贸易委员会提供关于该事项的反馈。
We expect to know what the new complying investment framework is going to be in early to mid-May 2015.
我们希望在 2015 年 5 月初或中旬前了解新获许投资框架的相关信息。